Section Three Exercises

Write a program

  1. Write a program to calculates the volume of a sphere.

    Expected Output:

     Input the radius of the sphere : 5
     The volume of sphere           : 523.598816.
  2. Write a program to prints the perimeter of a rectangle to take its height and width as input.

    Expected Output:

     Input the height of the Rectangle : 5
     Input the width of the Rectangle  : 7
     Perimeter of the Rectangle is     : 24.00
  3. Write a program to converts kilometers per hour to miles per hour.

    Expected Output:

     Input kms per hour : 15
     Miles per hour     : 9.320568
  4. John bought a bicycle for Rs 350 and sold to a buyer for Rs 380. Did he make profit or loss by selling the bicycle?

    Write a program to calculate the profit or loss and also find the profit or loss percentage.

  5. Number inspector program.

    Write a program to accept a number from keyboard, and check whether it is

    • even or odd
    • prime or non-prime
    • divisible by 3

    Expected Output:

    Enter the number: 15
    '15' is odd number.
    '15' is non-prime number.
    '15' is divisible by 3.
  6. Write a program to accept a year as an input and determine whether it is a leap year or not.

    Use the following logic:

    Leap Year:

    • If a year is divisible by 4, 100 and 400 then it is a leap year.
    • If a year is divisible by 4 but not divisible by 100 then it is a leap year

    Not a Leap Year:

    • If a year is not divisible by 4 then it is not a leap year
    • If a year is divisible by 4 and 100 but not divisible by 400 then it is not a leap year
  7. Accept the ages of foo, bar, and baz from keyboard and write a program to determine the youngest and eldest among three.

Find output of program

  1. Behavior of if and Garbage value

     #include <stdio.h>
     int main() {
       int a = 300, b, c;
       if (a >= 400)
         b = 300;
         c = 200;
         printf("\n%d%d", b, c);
       return 0;
  2. Behavior of if

     #include <stdio.h>
     int main() {
       int a = 10, b = 20;
       if (a == b);
         printf("\n%d%d", a, b);
       return 0;

    NOTE: Try removing ; in the if statement.

  3. Behavior of if...else

     #include <stdio.h>
     int main() {
       int a = 10, b = 20;
       if (a == 10)
         printf("\n%d", a);
         printf("\n%d", b);
       return 0;

    NOTE: Understand why 20.

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