Creating view for showing an Idea

In the previous page, we got the template error as:

No template for interactive request

IdeasController#show is missing a template for request formats: text/html

It means that we are missing the view file which is an ERB template inside app/views/ideas folder.

Fix the above error by creating a file show.html.erb inside app/views/ideas folder with following content:

<h1>Showing Idea</h1>

Now, the text Showing Idea as heading size will be appeared.

Displaying Idea content

To display the content of Idea, we need to pass the idea data from controller to view. This can be done by creating an instance variable inside IdeasController#show method which then available inside show.html.erb file.

class IdeasController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @idea = Idea.find(params[:id])

NOTE: The params is a Hash object which stores the data sent by the users. It stores both the query string and POST parameters. The params[:id] return 1 in our case since our URL is /ideas/1.

Also, update show.html.erb as:

<h1>Showing Idea</h1>

  <strong>Title: </strong> <%= @idea.title %>
  <strong>Description: </strong> <%= @idea.description %>

NOTE: If you are wondering about weird tag <%= ... %> along with HTML content above, then it is ERB tag which is briefly explained at the later part of page.

Now, reload your browser, you should see following:

Check other Ideas as well

The above idea is the first idea. However, our application has two more ideas.

Check them as well by removing 1 from https://localhost:3000/ideas/1 with 2 and 3.

Understanding ERB Template

In this section, we will try to understand little about ERB template.

ERB refers to Embedded Ruby. It is a file that ends with an .html.erb or .erb extension.

Everything we write inside an ERB template is HTML along with special tags containing Ruby statements. These tags are then processed by template engine and replace it with evaluated Ruby code inside it.

There are mainly two kind of ERB tags used in Rails.

<% … %> : Execution Tag

This tag <% ... %> when used will only perform the execution of the Ruby code only.


<% (1..5).each do |i| %>
<% end %>

will print hello 5 times.

However, if you want to also print index number then we need to use Expression Tag.

<%= … %> : Expression Tag

This tag indicates that there will be an expression inside it. The evaluated result of the code inside this tag will be replaced with the tag itself.


<% (1..5).each do |i| %>
  <h6> hello, <%= i %> </h6>
<% end %>

This should print hello along with its index number.

You can try above code by putting in 'show.html.erb' file.

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