Working with basic Docker Commands

Play around with basic Docker Commands

In this section, you will go through some of the commonly used Docker commands. These commands will you understand more about the functionalities of Docker and its ecosystem.

Basic Commands

Command Description Example
docker version Show Docker version docker version
docker info Display system-wide information docker info
docker pull Pull docker image or repository from registry docker pull alpine
docker images List images docker images
docker run Run a command in a new container docker run -it alpine sh
docker create Create a new container docker create -it alpine sh
docker exec Run a command in running container docker exec <container id/name> sh
docker ps List containers docker ps
docker inspect Display information on Docker object docker inspect <object id/name>
docker logs Fetch the logs of a container docker logs <container id/name>
docker stats Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage docker stats
docker network Manage networks docker network ls
docker rename Rename a container docker rename <old name> <new name>
docker stop Stop one or more running containers docker stop <container id/name> [or more]
docker rm Remove one or more containers docker rm <container id/name> [or more]
docker rmi Remove one or more images docker rmi <image id/name> [or more]
docker volume Manage volumes docker volume ls
docker build Build an image from a Dockerfile docker build -t image_name:v1 .

NOTE: Check the complete list of Docker CLI here.

Playing with Commands

Try running following commands and understand what is happening:

# List all images
$ docker images

# Pull Postgres latest image (debian based)
$ docker pull postgres

# Pull Postgres alpine image
$ docker pull postgres:13.4-alpine

# Run Postgres container based on latest image
$ docker run --name deb-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres

# Run Postgres container based on alpine image
$ docker run --name alpine-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres:13.4-alpine

# See all the running containers
$ docker ps

# Execute command on running container (run same for alpine-postgres)
$ docker exec -it deb-postgres bash
root@83b53844c490:/# su postgres
postgres@83b53844c490:/$ psql

# --- playaround with database ----
CREATE DATABASE dhanu; # create database
\c dhanu; # use database
  person_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
  password VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
); # create users table
INSERT INTO users(username, password, email)
VALUES ('admin', 'admin123', '');
INSERT INTO users(username, password, email)
VALUES ('foo', 'foo123', '');
# --- end of playing ----

\q # exit from psql
exit # exit from postgres user
exit # exit from root

# Stop running container
$ docker stop alpine-postgres

# Seel all containers (exited as well)
$ docker ps -a

# Remove an exited container
$ docker stop alpine-postgres

# Remove a running container
$ docker stop deb-postgres

# See logs of a container
$ docker logs deb-postgres

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